Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Minat & Cita-citaku
Kemudian, selain itu aku juga ingin melestarikan kebudayaan atau kesenian yang ada, milik Indonesia. Karena, dilihat dari kondisi saat ini, kesenian yang dimiliki Indonesia telah banyak diklaim oleh negara Malaysia. Oleh karena itu, untuk menjaga kesenian Indonesia agar tetap utuh, sebaiknya putra-putri bangsa membantu menjaga dan melestarikannya..
SMAN 1 Tarakan
SMA Negeri (SMAN) 1 Tarakan, merupakan salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri yang ada di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Sama dengan SMA pada umumnya di Indonesia masa pendidikan sekolah di SMAN 1 Tarakan ditempuh dalam waktu tiga tahun pelajaran, mulai dari Kelas X sampai Kelas XII. Didirikan pada tahun 1965. Pada tahun 2007, sekolah ini menggunakan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan sebelumnya dengan KBK.
Berbagai fasilitas dimiliki SMAN 1 Tarakan untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar. Fasilitas tersebut antara lain:
- Kelas
- Masjid
- Perpustakaan
- Laboratorium Biologi
- Laboratorium Fisika
- Laboratorium Kimia
- Laboratorium Komputer
- Laboratorium Bahasa
SMA Negeri 1 memiliki banyak kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, diantaranya,
- Paskibra
- Futsal
- Basket
- Bahasa Inggris
- Kerohanian Islam (Rohis)
- Kerohanian Kristen (Rohkris)
- Palang Merah Remaja (PMR)
- Karya Ilmiah Remaja(KIR)
- Pemandu Sorak (Cheerleaders)
- Fotografi
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Kebudayaan Tarakan
Tarakan juga disebut dengan istilah Tengkayu yang dari bahasa Tidungnya berarti daerah yang dikelilingi oleh laut atau Pesisir.
Pulau seluas 241,5 KM yang sebagian besar masih merupakan hutan lindung terutama dipesisir pantai wilayah selatan. Kondisi ini merupakan panorama alam yang indah antara hutan lindung, bukit, hutan konservasi, kelong nelayan, perkebunan, pantai dan peninggalan sejarah berupa tugu jepang dan tugu ostrali.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
“Rokok”, siapa yang tidak kenal dengan rokok. Semua orang pasti kenal dengan rokok. Rokok sudah ada sejak masa penjajahan. Rokok merupakan turunan dari nenek moyang kita dahulu. Ya, rokok juga bisa jadi kebudayaan kita pada masa itu.
Tembakau yang menjadi bahan utama dalam pembuatan rokok, telah diperkenalkan secara menyeluruh, termasuk ke dunia Islam oleh penjajah Barat. Dahulu, tembakau dihisap bukan saja untuk bersukaria tetapi sebagai satu acara dalam upacara kebudayaan dan keagamaan. Pada umumnya, umat Islam tidak merokok, melainkan karena terpengaruh oleh orang Barat yang menjajah mereka.
Merokok berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Semua orang pasti setuju dengan pernyataan ini, termasuk para pecandu rokok sekalipun. Merokok adalah suatu kebiasaan yang diterima secara meluas dalam masyarakat kita, sehingga kadangkala dipandang sebagai satu norma yang membanggakan. Anggapan palsu ini berhasil apabila golongan yang mudah terpedaya dengan budaya asing, terutama yang dipaparkan melalui media massa, kononnya dikaitkan dengan rokok. Karena kebiasaan suka meniru dan menyeleweng dari jalan yang benar adalah sesuatu yang kian menguasai anak-anak kaum Muslim di zaman ini.
Hal selanjutnya adalah zat berbahaya yang terkandung dalam rokok. Telah diketahui, terdapat 4.000 jenis bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam rokok dan asap rokok, yang 43 diantaranya diketahui sebagai bahan kimia penyebab kanker. Setiap batang rokok yang dinyalakan akan mengeluarkan lebih dari 4.000 bahan kimia beracun yang membahayakan dan bisa membawa kematian. Kandungan asap rokok yang diketahui diantaranya adalah bahan radioaktif, (polonium-201), bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam cat, pencuci lantai, racun serangga, arsen, racun tikus, dan pelitur kayu. Tetapi bagaimanapun pula, racun yang paling utama adalah Tar, Nikotin, dan Karbon Monoksida.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Belajar Blog
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Story
(T. rex )
Tyrannosaurus, meaning (‘tyrant lizard’), is a genus of theropod dinosaur. The famous species Tyrannosaurus rex (‘rex’ meaning ‘king’ in Latin), commonly abbreviate to T. rex, is a fixture in popular culture around the world.
Like other tyrannosurids, Tyrannosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a massive skull balanced by a long, heavy tail. Relative to the large and powerful hind limbs, Tyrannosaurus fore limbs were small. Although other theropods rivaled or exceeded T.rex in size. By far the largest carnivore in its environment,
More than 30 specimens of T. rex have been identified, some of which are nearly complete skeletons. Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the largest land carnivores of all time, measuring 12,8 metres (42 feet) long, and ws 4,0 metres (13 feet) tall at the hips. Although Tyrannosaurus rex was larger than the well known Jurassic theropod Allosaurus, it was slightly smaller than Cretaceous carnivores Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus.
The neck of T. rex formed a natural shaped curve like that of other theropod, but was short and mascular to support the massive head. The fore limbs had only two clawed fingers. The tail was heavy and long, sometimes containing over fortyvertebrate, in order to balance the massive head and torso.
The largest known T. rex skulls measure up to 5 feet (1, 5 meters) in length. The teeth of T. rex displayed marked (differences in shape). The teeth at the front of the upper jaw were closely packed. The largest found so far is estimated to have been 30 centimetres long including the root when the animal was alive, making the largest tooth of any carnivorous dinosaur.
Try It
Materials of thing:
1. Used cardboard box.
2. 1 rolls of gift paper.
3. 1 tube of glue.
4. 25-30 centimeters of string/thread.
1. A scissors.
2. A ruler.
3. A pencil.
1. First, cut one side of used cardboard box.
2. Then, make a pattern photo’s frame long square with wide size 11-14
cm and Footage 16-18 cm with use pencil and ruler or make a
pattern and size with Your want.
3. Next, cut half or one roll of gift paper appropriate with photo’s frame
4. And then, cut the pattern of photo’s frame and the gift paper
5. When all of part have cutted, give them glue. And adhere them with exactly.
6. Next, give string or thread to hang or arm rest made of cardboard box
7. And you can give the photo’s frame decoration with your want.
8. Finally, put a photo or your photo in this photo’s frame. And, the
photo’s frame used cardboard box is already to use.
Why We Should Study English?
Language is device of sound that used for interacted with conversation. Our language is Indonesian, also as language unifier of
Language as a tool of communications among nation and state in the world. It is the most importance to known. Because, know a language its mean that we can absorb knowledge from various science, relationship and intimate assocciation, can make fluency try, know about country development, history, condition of economics, social, politics, condition of overseas international trade, technology and culture. So we can understand all about that, at least we able to know, learn, and speak English. That way, we will get broader knowledge from abroad.
In globalization era like this time, happen very tight emulation in various area life. Therefore, we claimed to make balance the emulation. One of them is overbearingly the international language, that’s English. English at least taught since kindergarten. Because growth and child recall since aged 3 until 6 year start to increase.
English can be trained in memorizing. But, because childhood is a period to playing, so it can be trained to use sing and play system with existing object surroundings. That way the children will get a little knowledge about the meaning of English in their surroundings.
At the elementary school, we taught how to write, read, spell, and listen English conversation. That way also we will get little by little of English vocabularies. So that, step by step we can write, read, spell, and listen English conversation without gauche again. Didn’t know that, it is with friends or the others.
We also taught use English word formula, positive sentence, negative sentence, interrogative sentence, and tenses. So that in Secondary School level we will accustomed use the English sentence in all day long. And we also can use the conversation in our association with friends.
In the Junior High School level, we will taught more deeply with previous subject. Sometimes, we ordered searching information of English in internet. That way, we will get various knowledge again. And at the High School level, we claimed to English-speaking fluent. Like when we enquire and reply question, altogether expected to use English. How with school have standard international? Altogether use English. So, that way if we do it, we will be considered as a super child in English.
Different with child interior countryside, if us there, and we only write 2 or 3 English sentence, reading 1 English paragraph, and say it truly, so we will be considered as a one super in English-speaking. Interior countryside children very need a learn guidance, so that can continue well the young generation. Especially in English, technology, information, and communications. Because, with have high spirit study, child motivation can bring more energetic to learn in searching knowledge of this present moment with international relationship.
And at in college, we will searching majors of self study to pursuing our aspiration. Especially in English majors. With study seriously, possibility we can pursuing aspiration until to overseas. Advantage we can English very much. In here, we can be English teacher or the kinds. But, if we have adequate high insight or have adequate high ability think, not shut possibility in overseas we can be teacher, secretary, lecturer, cabinet minister, director, architect, scientist, and etc. So that, we will be seen as a looked into person.
So, why we should study English? Yes, like which have been studied in up, we should study English so that can know about country development, we can absorb knowledge from various science, relationship and intimate assocciation, can make fluency try, history, condition of economics, social, politics, condition of overseas international trade, technology and culture. Also, we give a good name for our family, our school, until give a good name to our state and nation. So that we will become a person can prided upon.